This page will be updated with the latest information on conferences, meetings, professional development opportunities, etc.  Please check back frequently.  ::::: Click here for our Cancellation Policy:::::

ASE 2024-2025
Statewide Conference Series


FALL (Friday, November 1, 2024)

WINTER** (Friday, March 14, 2025)

SPRING (Wednesday, June 4, 2025)

**Winter Conference will be Virtual
The Fall & Spring Conferences will be at the Hogan Center at Holy Cross

Please mark these important dates in your calendar.


ASE thanks each of our Co-Sponsors for their ongoing support and commitment to the ASE Professional Development Series.

Bay Path University
Cotting School
EPS Learning
McGraw Hill
Murphy, Lamere, Murphy, P.C.
New England Center for Children (NECC)
Perkins School for the Blind
University Instructors

Each organization provides honorable, credible and effective expertise in their field and supportive capacities for school districts and students with disabilities.