The Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education (ASE) is the lead
association representing the special education administrators in Massachusetts. ASE provides a variety of services to its members - conferences, newsletters, information briefs, and representation
of the membership at the federal and state levels. More specifically, ASE provides leadership in advocating for appropriate provision of services to all children and youth in Massachusetts. ASE offers professional development opportunities for special education administrators and others interested in important issues in special education. ASE has joined forces with other state leadership organizations in
order to better serve and represent the ASE membership.
Check ASE news for the latest information on ASE professional development opportunities, legislative and regulatory developments, and other important information.
We welcome your comments and inquiries. Please e-mail the ASE Executive Director and the members of the ASE Executive Board with your questions of comments.
Join ASE now! A membership form is available online. Just click on the membership form icon, fill out the form, submit it electronically and participate in the many membership benefits of ASE.
© 2000-2002 Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education
3 Allied Drive, Suite 303
Dedham, MA 02026
ph: 781-742-7279
fax: 781-742-7278