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The spontaneous and enzymatic response of N-acetyl-p-benzoquinonimine with glutathione: A stopped-flow kinetic study. Thrombin and protease-activated receptor-1 agonists promote lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatocellular injury in perfused livers. Effects of N-acetylcysteine on acetaminophen covalent binding and hepatic necrosis in mice. Immediate rise in intracellular calcium and glycogen phosphorylase a activities upon acetaminophen covalent binding resulting in hepatotoxicity in mice. Activation, proliferation, and differentiation of progenitor cells into hepatocytes in the D-galactosamine mannequin of liver regeneration. Receptor interacting protein kinase 1 mediates murine acetaminophen toxicity unbiased of the necrosome and not through necroptosis. Treatment of pain or fever with paracetamol (acetaminophen) within the alcoholic patient: A systematic review. Measurement of serum acetaminophen-protein adducts in patients with acute liver failure. Sinusoidal endothelial cells as a target for acetaminophen toxicity Direct motion versus requirement for hepatocyte activation in different mouse strains. Vascular endothelial growth issue and hepatocyte regeneration in acetaminophen toxicity. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 291, G102�G109. Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration in vivo is an early event in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity. Pathophysiological significance of c-jun N-terminal kinase in acetaminophen hepatotoxicity. Mitochondria-targeted antioxidant Mito-Tempo protects against acetaminophen hepatotoxicity. Involvement of mitochondria in acetaminophen-induced apoptosis and hepatic damage: Roles of cytochrome c, Bax, Bid, and caspases. Increased constitutive c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling in mice missing glutathione S-transferase Pi. Kupffer cell sensitization by alcohol includes increased permeability to gut-derived endotoxin. Sensitivity of liver harm in heterozygous Sod2 knockout mice handled with troglitazone or acetaminophen. Reduced hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen in mice missing inducible nitric oxide synthase: Potential function of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-10. Exaggerated hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen in mice missing tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 Potential function of inflammatory mediators. Shift from biliary to urinary elimination of acetaminophen-glucuronide in acetaminophen-pretreated rats. Mode of cell death after acetaminophen overdose in mice: Apoptosis or oncotic necrosis Mechanisms of Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity: Cell Death Signaling Mechanisms in Hepatocytes 477 Gunawan, B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 96, 13978�13982. Mitochondrial permeability transition as a novel precept of hepatorenal toxicity in vivo. Level of cytosolic free calcium throughout acetaminophen toxicity in mouse hepatocytes. Regulated and unregulated mitochondrial permeability transition pores: A new paradigm of pore construction and performance Increased resistance to acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in mice missing glutathione Stransferase Pi. Nitrotyrosine-protein adducts in hepatic centrilobular areas following toxic doses of acetaminophen in mice. Effect of inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice. Identification and characterization of infiltrating macrophages in acetaminophen-induced liver injury. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 296, G572�G581. Biomarkers of liver regeneration enable early prediction of hepatic recovery after acute necrosis. Translocation of iron from lysosomes to mitochondria throughout acetaminopheninduced hepatocellular harm: Protection by starch-desferal and minocycline. Low dose acetaminophen induces reversible mitochondrial dysfunction related to transient cJun N-terminal kinase activation in mouse liver. Opposite roles of neutrophils and macrophages in the pathogenesis of acetaminopheninduced acute liver damage. Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases minimizes hepatic microvascular harm in response to acetaminophen in mice. Glutathione disulfide formation and oxidant stress throughout acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice in vivo: the protective impact of allopurinol. Mechanisms of neutrophil-induced liver cell harm throughout hepatic ischemia-reperfusion and different acute inflammatory situations. American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 290, G1083�G1088. Innate immunity and acetaminophen-induced liver injury: Why so many controversies Neutrophil depletion protects in opposition to murine acetaminophen hepatotoxicity: Another perspective. Acetaminophen hepatotoxicity and repair: the position of sterile inflammation and innate immunity. Effect of N-acetylcysteine on acetaminophen toxicity in mice: Relationship to reactive nitrogen and cytokine formation. Tumour necrosis issue receptor 1 and hepatocyte regeneration in acetaminophen toxicity: A kinetic study of proliferating cell nuclear antigen and cytokine expression. Pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen-protein adducts in adults with acetaminophen overdose and acute liver failure. Glutathione-S-transferase pi as a mannequin protein for the characterisation of chemically reactive metabolites. Apoptosis: a basic biological phenomenon with wide-ranging implications in tissue kinetics. Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 3176�3181.

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Lysosomal iron mobilization and induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition in acetaminopheninduced toxicity to mouse hepatocytes. The effect of acetaminophen (four grams a day for three consecutive days) on hepatic exams in alcoholic patientsdA multicenter randomized study. Modulation of macrophage functioning abrogates the acute hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen. Biliary excretion of glutathione and glutathione disulfide within the rat Regulation and response to oxidative stress. The hepatic inflammatory response after acetaminophen overdose: Role of neutrophils. Disruption of NaS1 sulfate transport function in mice results in enhanced acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity. Calpain launched from dying hepatocytes mediates progression of acute liver harm induced by model hepatotoxicants. Upregulation of calpastatin in regenerating and creating rat liver: Role in resistance towards hepatotoxicity. Acetaminophen overdose-induced liver harm in mice is mediated by peroxynitrite independently of the cyclophilin D-regulated permeability transition. Mechanisms of Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity: Cell Death Signaling Mechanisms in Hepatocytes 479 Manyike, P. The function of harm associated molecular sample molecules in acetaminophen-induced liver harm in mice. Increased susceptibility of pure killer T-cell-deficient mice to acetaminophen-induced liver injury. Pathogenic function of pure killer T and pure killer cells in acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice relies on the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide. Role of interleukin-6 in hepatic warmth shock protein expression and safety towards acetaminophen-induced liver disease. Involvement of mitochondrial permeability transition in acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice. Mechanistic biomarkers in acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity and acute liver failure: From preclinical models to sufferers. Acetaminophen-induced liver damage in rats and mice: comparability of protein adducts, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress in the mechanism of toxicity. Plasma and liver acetaminophenprotein adduct ranges in mice after acetaminophen remedy: Dose-response, mechanisms, and medical implications. Argininosuccinate synthetase as a plasma biomarker of liver damage after acetaminophen overdose in rodents and people. Circulating acylcarnitines as biomarkers of mitochondrial dysfunction after acetaminophen overdose in mice and humans. Acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice missing inducible nitric oxide synthase exercise. Acetaminophen-induced hepatic injury: Protective role of glutathione in man and rationale for therapy. Overview of alkylation and peroxidation mechanisms in acute deadly hepatocellular damage by chemically reactive metabolites. A cytochrome P450-independent mechanism of acetaminophen-induced harm in cultured mouse hepatocytes. Platelets and protease-activated receptor-4 contribute to acetaminophen-induced liver harm in mice. The toxicity of acetaminophen and N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine in isolated hepatocytes is related to thiol depletion and increased cytosolic Ca�. Reduced glutathione depletion causes necrosis and sensitization to tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis in cultured mouse hepatocytes. Deletion of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 attenuates acetaminophen-induced liver harm by inhibiting c-Jun N-terminal kinase activation. Liver-specific loss of Atg5 causes persistent activation of Nrf2 and protects against acetaminophen-induced liver injury. Zonated induction of autophagy and mitochondrial spheroids limits acetaminophen-induced necrosis within the liver. Removal of acetaminophen-protein adducts by autophagy protects in opposition to acetaminophen-induced liver harm in mice. Cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in acetaminophen activation by rat and human liver microsomes and their kinetics. Prothrombin time prolongation in paracetamol poisoning: A related marker of hepatic failure Ultrastructural changes throughout acute acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity within the mouse: A time and dose research. Identification of the hepatic protein targets of reactive metabolites of acetaminophen in vivo in mice using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Cyclophilin D deficiency protects in opposition to acetaminophen-induced oxidant stress and liver injury. Receptor interacting protein kinase three is a crucial early mediator of acetaminophen-induced hepatocyte necrosis in mice. In vitro results of acetaminophen metabolites and analogs on the respiration of mouse liver mitochondria. Protection of acetaminophen-induced hepatocellular apoptosis and necrosis by cholesteryl hemisuccinate pretreatment. Immunohistochemical localization and quantification of the 3(cystein-S-yl)-acetaminophen protein adduct in acetaminophen hepatotoxicity. Novel mechanisms of safety in opposition to acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in mice by glutathione and N-acetylcysteine. Endothelially derived nitric oxide impacts the severity of early acetaminophen-induced hepatic injury in mice. Mechanism of the preventive effect of ethanol on acetaminophen-induced hepatoxicity. Increased hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen after chronic ethanol consumption in the rat. Application of interleukin-22 mediates safety in experimental acetaminopheninduced acute liver injury. Induction of multidrug resistance protein 3 in rat liver is associated with altered vectorial excretion of acetaminophen metabolites. Mechanisms of Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity: Cell Death Signaling Mechanisms in Hepatocytes 481 Smilkstein, M. Effect of acetaminophen on hepatic content material and biliary efflux of glutathione disulfide in mice.

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Aging and endocrinology in ideas and practice of endocrinology and metabolism. The relationship of swimming actions of epididymal spermatozoa to their fertilizing capacity. Effects of unilateral castration and unilateral cryptorchidism of the holstein bull on plasma gonadotropins, testosterone, and testis anatomy. Fine structure of germ cells and sertoli cells in the course of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium within the rat. Partial characterization of a novel growth issue secreted by human Sertoli cells. Independent control of the production of insulin-like development factor I and its binding protein by cultured testicular cells. Formation of disulphide bonds in the nucleus and accessory structures of mammalian spermatozoa during maturation in the epididymis. Regulation of luteinizing hormone receptors and steroidogenesis in gonadotropin-desensitized Leydig cells. Direct inhibition of testicular function by gonadotropin-releasing hormone: Mediation by particular gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors in interstitial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 77, 4459�4463. In Chemically induced alterations in sexual development: the wildlife/ human connection. Kinetics of spermatogenesis in mammals: Seminiferous epithelium cycle and spermatogonial renewal. Duration of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium of normal, hypophysectomized and hypophysectomized-hormone treated albino rats. Duration of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium in the mouse and hamster determined by the use of � 3H-thymidine and radioautography. Production and auto-induction of remodeling growth factor-alpha in human keratinocytes. Isolation of the submaxillary gland protein accelerating incisor eruption and eyelid opening within the newborn animal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 72, 1317�1321. Increased testis development and sperm manufacturing in grownup rats following transient neonatal goitrogen therapy: Optimization of the propylthiouracil dose and results of methimazole. In Proceedings of the eighth Technical Conference of the National Association of Animal Breeders (pp. Role of Leydig cells and endogenous inhibin in regulating pulsatile gonadotropin secretion within the adult male rat. Passive immunoneutralization of endogenous inhibin: Sex-related differences in the role of inhibin throughout growth. The accumulation of malachite green stainable phospholipid in rabbit spermatozoa throughout maturation within the epididymis, and its possible function in capacitation. Separation of germinal cells from immature rat testes by sedimentation at unit gravity. Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Reproductive System and Potential Targets of Toxicants 55 de Kretser, D. Follistatin and activin: A potential intrinsic regulatory system within diverse tissues. The impact of remodeling progress factor-beta on follicle-stimulating hormone-induced differentiation of cultured rat granulosa cells. Minireview: Kisspeptin neurons as central processsors in the regulation of gonadotrphin-releasing hormone secretion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, ninety one, 11287�11289. Role of spermatogonia within the repair of the seminiferous epithelium following X-irradiation of the rat testis. Response of grownup rat Sertoli cells and Leydig cells to depletion of luteinizing hormone and testosterone. Androgen action throughout male intercourse differentiation includes suppression of cranial suspensory ligament development. Hormonal management of gubernaculum development throughout testis descent: Gubernaculum outgrowth in vitro requires both insulin-like factor and androgen. Fibroblast development factor inhibits luteinizing hormone-stimulated androgen manufacturing by cultured rat testicular cells. Changes within the acrosome of guinea pig spermatozoa throughout passage by way of the epididymis. Observations on the discharge of spermatozoa and on modifications in the head throughout passage by way of the epididymis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, seventy seven, 4774�4778. Geographic variations in sperm counts: A potential explanation for bias in research of semen high quality. Semen analyses in 1,283 men from the United States over a 25-year period: No decline in high quality. Environmental anti-androgens and male reproductive well being: Focus on phthalates and testicular dysgenesis syndrome. Factors influencing the amount and high quality of semen harvested from bulls, rams, boars and stallions. Environmental estrogens and endocrine disruption: Importance of comparative endocrinology. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B- Critical Reviews, 11, 151�161. In vitro modulation of porcine Leydig cell steroidogenesis by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate and 1,2-dioctanoylglycerol. Insulin-like growth factor I enhancement of porcine Leydig cell steroidogenesis in vitro Molecular. Sertoli cells are the target of environmental toxicants within the testisda mechanistic and therapeutic insight. Requirement for testicular macrophages in Leydig cell proliferation and differentiation throughout prepubertal improvement in rats. Partial characterization of the androgen receptor of the newborn rat gubernaculum. Presence of corticotropin releasing factor-like immunoreactivity in hypophyseal portal blood. Gonadal peptides as mediators of development and functional management of the testis: An integrated system with hormones and local surroundings. Fibroblast and epidermal progress elements are mitogenic brokers for classy granulosa cells of rodent, porcine, and human origin. Chemical-induced alterations of sexual differentiation: A evaluation of effects in people and rodents.

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Courtship contains numerous patterns of behavioral exercise to inform the alternative intercourse that one is physiologically able to copulate. Also, these behaviors arouse fifty two Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Reproductive System and Potential Targets of Toxicants sexual curiosity in the potential associate. The premating ritual of the peacock is a outstanding display of courtship signals directed at its partner. Mammals have more subtle, however still distinct, courtship signals to get the eye of their partners. The mare, nevertheless, squeals, urinates, strikes or kicks, and lifts her tail earlier than she receives the stallion. When close to males, receptive female rats wiggle their ears and dart about to get attention. Likewise, receptive feminine monkeys undertake a characteristic mating place that pulls the males. In ferrets and minks, the vulva swells enormously, and in dogs, more reasonable vulvar swelling happens on the time of estrus. The scent of estrus feminine dogs attracts canine from the whole neighborhood, even if stored indoors. If the male is merely too hungry, if there are predators current that must be prevented, or if animals have been conditioned by electrical shock not to mate in a given surroundings, animals may not mate (Herbert, 1972). In addition, sexual conduct relies on the appropriate hormonal secretions of both sexes. Alterations in hormonal status (as in endocrine disturbances or toxicant-induced health alterations) can reduce fertility by lowering libido and growing the failure of males to display normal sexual behavior. It ought to aid within the understanding of mechanisms that drive male reproductive processes and enhance the design of experiments to check the impact and severity of potential toxicants on varied features of male reproductive anatomy and physiology. Insulin augmentation of testosterone manufacturing in a primary culture of rat testicular cells. Insulin-like progress components as intraovarian regulators of granulosa cell development and function. Quantitative testicular histology and comparisons between every day sperm production as decided histologically and by daily sperm output. A important review of methods for analysis of spermatogenesis from seminal characteristics. Detection of alterations in testicular and epididymal perform in laboratory animals. Fertility of bovine spermatozoa from rete testis, cauda epididymidis, and ejaculated semen. Daily spermatozoal production, epididymal spermatozoal reserves and transit time of spermatozoa by way of the epididymis of the rhesus monkey. Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Reproductive System and Potential Targets of Toxicants fifty three Anway, M. Molecular characterization of the genital organizer: Gene expression profile of the mouse urethral plate epithelium. Changes in the pituitary-testicular axis with age monographs on endocrinology: the pituitary and testis. Direct inhibitory impact of glucocorticoids upon testicular luteinizing hormone receptor and steroidogenesis in vivo and in vitro. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its agonist inhibit testicular luteinizing hormone receptor and steroidogenesis in immature and adult hypophysectomized rats. Effects of expression of human or bovine development hormone genes on sperm production and male reproductive performance in 4 traces of transgenic mice. Changes in the electrophoretic properties of rabbit spermatozoa during passage by way of the epididymis. Morphological adjustments in rabbit spermatozoa during passage through the epididymis. Changes in nice structure of the rabbit sperm head throughout passage via the epididymis. Development of the fertilizing capability of spermatozoa within the epididymis of the rabbit. Effects of duct ligation on the fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa from different areas of the rabbit epididymis. Somatomedin C/insulin-like development issue 1 as a possible intratesticular regulator of Leydig cell exercise. Depressed semen quality in Swedish men from barren couples: A research over three a long time. Age-related modifications in the number of Sertoli cells in male rats and their relationship to spermatogenesis. The cycle of the seminiferous epithelium and spermatogenesis in the bovine testis. Numbers of Sertoli cells, quantitative charges of sperm manufacturing, and the effectivity of spermatogenesis in relation to the daily sperm output and seminal quality of younger beef bulls. The numbers of sertoli cells in mature Holstein bulls and their relationship to quantitative features of spermatogenesis. Relationship of absolute numbers of Sertoli cells to testicular size and spermatogenesis in younger beef bulls. Regulation of gonadotropin receptors, gonadotropin responsiveness, and cell multiplication by somatomedin-c and insulin in cultured pig leydig cells. The kit ligand encoded at the murine metal locus: A pleiotropic growth and differentiation factor. Prolactin, progress hormone, luteinizing hormone receptors, and seasonal adjustments in testicular activity within the golden hamster. In Chemically induced alterations in sexual development: the wildlife/human connection. Effects of two hypophyseal gonadotropic hormones on the reproductive system of the male rat. Isolation and structure of urogastrone and its relationship to epidermal growth factor. The emerging function of insulin-like development factors in testis improvement and performance. A gene mapping to the sex-determining region of the mouse Y chromosome is a member of a novel family of embryonically expressed gene. The function of prolactin in the regulation of testis perform: the effects of prolactin and luteinizing hormone on the plasma ranges of testosterone and androstenedione in hypophysectomized rats. Structure and function of the epithelium lining the ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymidis, and ductus deferens. Adult testicular enlargement induced by neonatal hypothyroidism is accompanied by elevated Sertoli and germ cell numbers. Rat testicular peritubular cells in tradition secrete an inhibitor of plasminogen activator activity. The glycosaminoglycans of the gubernaculum throughout testicular descent in the fetus.

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Evidence for a single enzyme in rat liver catalyzing the deiodination of the tyrosyl and the phenolic ring of iodothyronines. Rapid regulation of thyroid sodium-iodide symporter activity by thyrotrophin and iodine. Characterization of the uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase-catalyzing thyroid hormone glucuronidation in man. The relation between dietary habits and urinary levels of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid, a pyrethroid metabolite. Detection of thyroid hormone receptor disruptors by a novel stable in vitro reporter gene assay. Association between mutations in thyroid hormone transporter and severe X-linked psychomotor retardation. Identification of thyroid hormone transporters in humans: Different molecules are concerned in a tissue-specific method. Derived Reference Doses (RfDs) for the environmental degradates of the herbicides alachlor and acetochlor: Results of an impartial expert panel deliberation. Thyroid hormone homeostasis and motion in the kind 2 deiodinase-deficient rodent mind throughout development. The type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase is expressed in the rat uterus and induced throughout being pregnant. Review of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid (2,4-D) Epidemiology and Toxicology Crit Rev Tioxicol 32, 233�257. Studies on the action of pesticides upon the endocrines utilizing in vitro human thyroid cells tradition and in vivo animal fashions. Fenvalerate exposure alters thyroid hormone standing in selenium- and/or iodine-deficient rats. Health effects assessment for environmental perchlorate contamination: the dose response for inhibition of thyroidal radioiodine uptake in humans. Changes in the sialylation and sulfation of secreted thyrotropin in congenital hypothyroidism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 87, 3792�3796. In vitro profiling of the endocrine-disrupting potency of brominated flame retardants. Birth defects in wildlife: the role of environmental contaminants as inducers of reproductive and developmental dysfunction. Thyroid carcinoma and thyroiditis in an endemic goitre area earlier than and after iodine prophylaxis. Partially deglycosylated human choriogonadotropin, stabilized by intersubunit disulfide bonds, exhibits fullbioactivity. Plasma membrane transport of thyroid hormones and its function in thyroid hormone metabolism and bioavailability. The monocarboxylate transporter 8 linked to human psychomotor retardation is very expressed in thyroid hormone-sensitive neuron populations. Thyroid hormone induces cerebellar Purkinje cell dendritic growth by way of the thyroid hormone receptor alpha1. Differential results of microsomal enzyme inducers on in vitro thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) glucuronidation. Tetrac can replace thyroid hormone throughout mind improvement in mouse mutants deficient within the thyroid hormone transporter mct8. Effects on male rats of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and di-n-hexylphthalate administered alone or in combination. The Hypothalamic�Pituitary�Thyroid Axis as a Target for Environmental Chemicals 267 Huang, S. Type three iodothyronine deiodinase is highly expressed in the human uteroplacental unit and in fetal epithelium. Mode of carcinogenic action of pesticides inducing thyroid follicular cell tumors in rodents. Type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase expression is upregulated by protein kinase A-dependent pathway and is downregulated by the protein kinase C-dependent pathway in cultured human thyroid cells. Endocrine disrupting chemical compounds: Interference of thyroid hormone binding to transthyretins and to thyroid hormone receptors. Influence of phytogenic substances with thyreostatic effects in combination with iodine on the thyroid hormones and somatomedin degree in pigs. Studies on rat thyroid after oral administration of mancozeb: Morphological and biochemical evaluations. Phenolic and tyrosyl ring deiodination of iodothyronines in rat brain homogenates. Fenvalerateinduced alterations in circulatory thyroid hormones and calcium shops in rat mind. Expression of thyroid hormone receptors A and B in developing rat tissues; proof for intensive posttranscriptional regulation. Targeted disruption of the pituitary glycoprotein hormone alphasubunit produces hypogonadal and hypothyroid mice. Effects of microsomal enzyme inducers on thyroid follicular cell proliferation and thyroid hormone metabolism. Thyroid hormone deiodinases a selenoenzyme household acting as gate keepers to thyroid hormone action. Effects of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls on thyroid hormone standing of pregnant ladies and their infants. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the thyroid disrupting actions of phenolic and phenol compounds in Xenopus laevis. Ethyl- enethiourea and nabam induced alterations of function and morphology of thyroid gland in rats. Ethylenethiourea in air and in urine as an indicator of exposure to ethylenebisdithiocarbamate fungicides. The effect of maneb, zineb, and ethylenethiourea on the humoral activity of the pituitary-thyroid axis in rat. Early maternal hypothyroxinemia alters histogenesis and cerebral cortex cytoarchitecture of the progeny. Pubertal growth in feminine Wistar rats following exposure to propazine and atrazine biotransformation byproducts, diamino-S-chlorotriazine and hydroxyatrazine. A function for intronic sequences on expression of thyroid hormone receptor alpha gene. European thyroid affiliation tips for the management of subclinical hypothyroidism in being pregnant and in youngsters.

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The pancreas secretes the enzymes liable for a lot of the digestion of dietary proteins. These embody two potent endopeptidases, trypsin and chymotrypsin, and the exopeptidase, carboxypeptidase (Johnson, 1997; Johnson and Byrne, 1992). The latter enzyme cleaves the peptide bond between the carboxy terminal amino acid and the following residue on the protein or polypeptide strand. These enzymes also digest nutrient proteins into molecules ranging in measurement from smaller proteins to dipeptides in the higher intestine lumen. This brei of protein digestion products diffuses to the microvillus membranes, which contain dipeptidases. The absorbable finish products of protein fermentation are in close proximity to the receptors that must bind these particular ligands before they are often absorbed into the enterocyte. Thus, each transport receptor binds and absorbs its amino acid and Na� ligands concomitantly, and the ligands, once released into the cytosol, either are pumped out (Na�) or diffuse out (amino acid) to reach the blood. The four lessons of transporters, based mostly upon the class of amino acid ligands for which each transporter reveals specific binding affinity, are the dibasic, neutral, dicarboxylic, and special amino acid lively transporters. Thus, the transporter for cystine and different dibasic amino acids has a a lot decrease binding affinity for dibasic or dicarboxylic amino acids. Most dietary triglycerides encompass glycerol esterified to three long-chain (16�20 carbon containing) fatty acids. Consequently, these triglycerides are insoluble within the intraluminal liquid medium that incorporates the lipid-digesting enzymes that do dissolve properly in water. In order to give enzymes such as pancreatic lipase entry to the dietary triglycerides, the presence of organic detergents is required. The classical digestive detergents are conjugated bile salts which may be complexed to Na�. The aqueous soluble portion of those amphoteric substances is an amino acid corresponding to glycine or taurine, which has dissociated in water and is negatively charged. The lipid-soluble portion of the conjugated bile salt is a bile acid produced in the liver such as cholic acid or deoxycholic acid. The chemical structure of the bile acid is a squalene nucleus containing 4 organic rings connected to a multicarbon side chain. This construction is also present in female and male intercourse hormones, in digitalis glycosides, and in cholesterol (the latter dietary fat is the precursor of bile acids in the liver). Conjugated bile salts coat the floor of lipid droplets in the duodenal lumen with the squalene tails embedded within the lipid mass and their charged amino acid carboxyl group dissolved within the watery medium surrounding the fat droplet. Once lipase digestion of triglycerides is underway, the digestion productsdfree fatty acids and 2-monoglyceride which might be also amphotericdwill contribute to emulsifying triglyceride-containing droplets within the intestine lumen (Sleisenger and Fordtran, 1993). Colipase is another pancreatic juice protein that facilitates the digestion of triglyceride droplets. Both pancreatic lipase and the amino acid element of the conjugated bile salt are negatively charged within the luminal aqueous medium, thus repelling one another. Colipase additionally will increase the pH optima of lipase to a price nearer to the prevailing intraluminal pH. Finally, colipase binds triglyceride digestion products that have fashioned into micelles near the supply of these products (Johnson, 1994). This mass of lipid molecules held together by the bile salts is soluble in the intraluminal fluid, and the micelles gravitate towards the epithelial lining of the lumen. The enterocyte surface is coated with a 100�200 mL thick unstirred layer of mucus containing glycoproteins, polypeptides, and different organic molecules. The unstirred layer protonates the micellar fatty acids, which causes them to leave the micelle. The micelle decomposes, releasing high concentrations of fatty acids, monoglycerides, and different lipid digestion products close to the enterocyte apical membrane, which is lipid soluble. The lipid digestion merchandise then diffuse into the enterocyte (Sleisenger and Fordtran, 1993). Acyl-coenzyme A reacts with 2-monoglyceride to type diglycerides and with diglycerides to form triglycerides. The reformed triglycerides inside the enterocyte coalesce to kind chylomicrons, which also include 8-lipoprotein and different lipids. The chylomicrons are launched by exocytosis into the interstitium the place they migrate into lymphatic capillaries that flow into to the blood, fat depots, and liver lipocytes. This remarkably environment friendly conservation of useful water and electrolytes depends mainly on the passive process of osmosis. The mucosal lining expends no energy directly on the absorption of water molecules because the duty would exhaust huge stores of substrate to actively transport 50 Eq of water from the lumen every day. This much water is recaptured by the intestine, nonetheless, by profiting from osmotic forces. With every mole of Na� absorbed from the bowel, an osmotic force is exerted that attracts 55 mol of water. Therefore, the intestinal mucosa burns sufficient substrate each day to actively transport 1 mol of Na�. In the proximal small bowel at mealtime, most of the Na� and water are absorbed passively by paracellular diffusion (Johnson, 1994). In the higher small bowel, Na� is absorbed into enterocytes by three mechanisms, namely passive diffusion, energetic cotransport with glucose (discussed previously), and active transport via a sodium channel in the apical membrane (Sperelakis and Banks, 1993). Limited exposure of the healthy distal colon to orally-dosed formulation is further exaggerated in lively left-sided ulcerative colitis. Gastrointestinal transit of Oros drug delivery systems in wholesome volunteers: A quick report. Effect of sodium acid pyrophosphate on ranitidine bioavailability and gastrointestinal transit time. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 128, 481�503. The anatomy and physiology of regular and abnormal swallowing in oropharyngeal dysphagia. Oral modified-release formulations in movement: the connection between gastrointestinal transit and drug absorption. Transit by way of the proximal colon influences stool weight within the irritable bowel syndrome. Magnetic marker monitoring: An utility of biomagnetic measurement instrumentation and ideas for the determination of the gastrointestinal conduct of magnetically marked strong dosage varieties. Inflammatory bowel illness: Exploring intestine pathophysiology for novel therapeutic targets. This tissue construction permits maximum sampling of gut luminal antigens by the gastrointestinal immune system but makes the tissue system extremely vulnerable to an infection. The gastrointestinal system is equipped with varied bodily and chemical barriers that form an array of constitutive, nonspecific defenses (Corthesy, 2007). These are stomach acidity; mucus (glycocalyx) overlaying the epithelial barrier; luminal presence of antimicrobial peptides such as lactoferrin, peroxidase, defensins, and trefoil peptides; and Change History: July 2016. Intestinal epithelial cells provide more than a easy physical barrier and are actively involved in maintaining intestinal immune homeostasis (Artis, 2008).

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Fas and Fas ligand expression in fetal and adult human testis with normal or deranged spermatogenesis. Fas and Fas ligand in embryos and grownup mice: Ligand expression in several immune-privileged tissues and coexpression in grownup tissues characterized by apoptotic cell turnover. Germ Cell Apoptotis and Death Receptor Response within the Rodent Testis after Acute Mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and Cisplatin Exposure. Death receptor response in rodent testis after mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure. Di-n-pentyl phthalate-induced inflammatory adjustments within the rat testis are accompanied by native production of a novel lymphocyte activating issue. Effects of mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, a testicular toxicant, on follicle-stimulating hormone binding to membranes from cultured rat Sertoli cells. Expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-related apoptosis-inducing ligand and its receptors in rat testis during development. Characterization of tumour necrosis factor-alpha-related apoptosisinducing ligand and its receptors within the grownup human testis. Effect of some phthalate esters and different testicular toxins on primary cultures of testicular cells. Human fetal testis xenografts are resistant to phthalate-induced endocrine disruption. Phthalate ester effects on rat Sertoli cell perform in vitro: Effects of phthalate facet chain and age of animal. Cadmium in vivo causes disruption of tight junction-associated microfilaments in rat Sertoli cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 96, 14871�14876. Estrogenic alkylphenols induce cell dying by inhibiting testis endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2�) pumps. Reproductive toxicity of 1-bromopropane, a newly launched various to ozone layer depleting solvents, in male rats. Increased apoptosis occurring through the first wave of spermatogenesis is stage-specific and primarily affects midpachytene spermatocytes in the rat testis. Testicular toxicity of molinate within the rat: Metabolic activation by way of sulfoxidation. Of mice and males (and rats): Phthalate-induced fetal testis endocrine disruption is species-dependent. Mapping gene expression adjustments in the fetal Rat testis following acute dibutyl phthalate publicity defines a posh temporal cascade of responding cell varieties. The orl rat with inherited cryptorchidism has increased susceptibility to the testicular results of in utero dibutyl phthalate exposure. Exposure in utero to di(n-butyl) phthalate alters the vimentin cytoskeleton of fetal rat Sertoli cells and disrupts Sertoli cell-gonocyte contact. Expression of Fas and Fas ligand in normal and ischemia-reperfusion testes: Involvement of the Fas system within the induction of germ cell apoptosis in the damaged mouse testis. The Fas system, a regulator of testicular germ cell apoptosis, is differentially up-regulated in Sertoli cell versus germ cell injury of the testis. Dose-dependent alterations in gene expression and testosterone synthesis within the fetal testes of male rats uncovered to di (n-butyl) phthalate. A single dose of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in neonatal rats alters gonocytes, reduces sertoli cell proliferation, and reduces cyclin D2 expression. FasL gene-deficient mice show a limited disruption in spermatogenesis and inhibition of mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-induced germ cell apoptosis. Effect of mono-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate on follicle-stimulating hormone responsiveness of cultured rat Sertoli cells. In utero exposure to di(n-butyl) phthalate and testicular dysgenesis: Comparison of fetal and adult end factors and their dose sensitivity. Immunolocalisation of androgen receptor to interstitial cells in fetal rat testes and to mesenchymal and epithelial cells of related ducts. Histological analysis of the human testis�approaches to optimizing the scientific worth of the assessment: Mini review. Dose-dependent results of sertoli cell toxicants 2,5-hexanedione, carbendazim, and mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in adult rat testis. Prepubertal mouse testis progress and maturation and androgen production are acutely sensitive to di-n-butyl phthalate. Diethylstilbestrol induces rat spermatogenic cell apoptosis in vivo via increased expression of spermatogenic cell Fas/FasL system. Morphological changes within the rat Sertoli cell induced by the microtubule poison carbendazim. Deformation of the rat Sertoli cell by oral administration of carbendazim (methyl 2-benzimidazole carbamate). Inflammatory networks within the management of spermatogenesis: Chronic irritation in an immunologically privileged tissue Involvement of Fas in the apoptosis of mouse germ cells induced by experimental cryptorchidism. Proliferation of Sertoli cells in fetal and postnatal rats: A quantitative autoradiographic study. The role of follicle-stimulating hormone in controlling Sertoli cell proliferation in testes of fetal rats. Evidence from Sertoli cell-depleted rats indicates that spermatid quantity in adults is dependent upon numbers of Sertoli cells produced during perinatal improvement. The plasticizer diethylhexyl phthalate induces malformations by reducing fetal testosterone synthesis during sexual differentiation within the male rat. Sertoli cell junctional complexes in gossypol-treated neonatal and adult guinea pigs. Toxic effects of octylphenol on cultured rat spermatogenic cells and Sertoli cells. The in vitro effects of 4 isomers of dinitrotoluene on rat Sertoli and Sertoli-germ cell cocultures: Germ cell detachment and lactate and pyruvate production. Sertoli cells management peritubular myoid cell destiny and help adult Leydig cell development within the prepubertal testis. The Fas system within the seminiferous epithelium and its possible extra-testicular function. The relevance of spontaneous- and chemically-induced alterations in testicular germ cell apoptosis to toxicology. Mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate rapidly alters each Sertoli cell vimentin filaments and germ cell apoptosis in young rat testes. Fas- or FasL-deficient mice show an increased sensitivity to nitrobenzene-induced testicular germ cell apoptosis.

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Metabolism and Hepatotoxicity of Pesticides 547 ligands of nuclear receptors that regulate gene expression of assorted metabolic enzymes. Complementary info has been derived from toxicogenomic profiles of expression arrays for pesticides relative to that of prototype nuclear receptor activators (Tully et al. Although an increase in the quantity of an enzyme can happen by reducing the degradation price, growing the synthesis fee is the most common mechanism for induction by xenobiotics. Coordinate (pleiotypic) induction, the induction of a quantity of enzymes by a single inducing agent. Hepatocytes are the selection for the research of induction in people while the human liver-derived HepG2 cell line can also be regularly used. Variation between hepatocyte donors yields information on metabolic variation in the human population. Thus, dose-response studies utilizing not only induction but also cytotoxicity as endpoints, are important. Accordingly, the pesticide was usually categorized as a phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene, or mixed-type inducer. A related pesticide, kepone is an inducer of Cyp in mice (Fabacher and Hodgson, 1976) and Cyp2B2 in rat hepatocytes (Kocarek et al. Developmental results of prenatal pesticide exposures have additionally obtained heightened concern of late. In utero exposure to low dose lindane has been shown to lead to elevated basal ranges Cyps 1A and 2B isozymes in neonatal rodent liver and enhance their inducibility by 3-methylcholanthrene and phenobarbital (Johri et al. The azole fungicides have been shown to be inducers of assorted xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes or activities, primarily in rodents (Allen et al. These alterations had been found to cause vital modifications in testosterone metabolism in male rats. Hexobarbital sleeping time increased up to 12 h, decreased after 24�72 h; parathion toxicity elevated after 1 h, decreased after 48 h (Kamienski and Murphy, 1971). Induction of Cyp 2B10, 1A1, and 1A2; 1A2 by an Ah-independent mechanism (Adams et al. Cyp1A2 is induced by both Ah-receptor-dependent and Ahreceptor-independent mechanisms (Cook and Hodgson, 1985; Cook and Hodgson, 1986; Ryu et al. A survey of pesticide inducers recognized in the Tox21 program confirms several of the entries of Table 4 and markedly expands this record to embody newer use pesticides. In rats, certainly one of these compounds, the herbicide metolachlor, was proven to induce the rat ortholog Cyp3A2, in addition to CypB1/2 at roughly one-fifth the potency of phenobarbital (Dalton et al. Although a small variety of studies showed induction by pesticides in rat hepatocytes, for instance, the induction of Cyp2B1 by pyrethroids (Heder et al. All of these outcomes of 552 Metabolism and Hepatotoxicity of Pesticides research using human hepatocytes counsel that pesticide�pesticide interactions are attainable within the human liver and this possibility ought to be investigated. Further research confirmed the induction, in rodents, of Cyps 2B and 3A by the herbicide, metolachlor (Dalton et al. Induction (Section "Pesticides as Inducers of Liver Enzymes"), then again, entails the synthesis of latest enzyme and tends to be slower than activation. Enhancement, by acetone, of the hepatic microsomal p-hydroxylation was first reported in 1968 (Anders, 1968). A abstract of the sooner research on activation was printed in 1985 (Anders, 1985). In addition it has been shown that chlorpyrifos oxon significantly activates the manufacturing of 1-naphthol, 2-naphthol, trans-1,2-dihydronaphthalenediol, and 1,4-naphthoquinine from naphthalene by human liver microsomes. The mechanism of these activations is unclear but appears to involve a conformation change at the lively website rather than a facilitation of electron switch. Activation in intact cells similar to primary hepatocytes by environmental chemicals has not been demonstrated and it remains to be seen whether or not this can be a important in vivo impact. The final two categories can, in principal, be investigated utilizing main human hepatocytes or subcellular hepatocyte preparations. However, investigations using Metabolism and Hepatotoxicity of Pesticides 553 recombinant enzymes and their polymorphic variants in addition to liver microsomes are the commonest and few studies have been carried out utilizing human hepatocytes. Kinetic studies have described and characterized a quantity of kinds of enzyme inhibition together with: competitive; uncompetitive, noncompetitive, and irreversible. However, due to the dilution contingent upon uptake, distribution and metabolism, only irreversible inhibition seems to be necessary in metabolic interactions of toxicants. Irreversible inhibition often involves prior metabolism of the inhibitor and the formation of a reactive intermediate that then reacts with the enzyme, giving rise to the terms "mechanism-based inhibitor" and "suicide inhibitor. It is handy to describe interactions based mostly on inhibition beneath two headings; xenobioticdxenobiotic inhibition and xenobioticdendogenous metabolite inhibition. Noncompetitive inhibition includes binding to and modification of the enzyme in such a way as to affect its catalytic exercise. Mechanism-based or "suicide" inhibition is irreversible and entails the generation of a reactive metabolite of the substrate that binds to the enzyme inhibiting its activity toward its or different substrates. More latest research, in surrogate animals, have included inhibition of 6b-testosterone hydroxylation in the rat (Murray and Butler, 2004), the impact of chlorpyrifos in mice (Cometa et al. This information is now being utilized to the human hepatic metabolism of endogenous metabolites corresponding to steroid hormones, the metabolism of scientific drugs, or the metabolism of different pesticides. Thus it is very important know the relative contributions of the completely different monooxygenases towards the identical substrate. A good instance is the insecticide phorate, which undergoes a fancy series of oxidations, the merchandise of which are typically extra poisonous than the parent compound. Systems biology would possibly make attainable the mixing of the massive databases of the lengthy run. The impetus for these developments was an influential 2007 National Academy of Science research, "Toxicity testing within the 21st century; a imaginative and prescient and a technique" (National Research Council, 2007). The sequencing of the human genome along with progress within the International HapMap project (International HapMap Corporation, 2003, Thorisson et al. One of the biggest impediments to correct human well being danger evaluation is the lack of knowledge of human variation and the ability to incorporate it into risk evaluation models. Immortalized human-derived cell traces are, nonetheless, valuable for many research aside from the research of human variation (Croom, 2012). While the mechanism of every of those effects is of importance, knowledge of the actual variation in human populations is critical for human well being chemical risk evaluation, no matter the cause of such variation. All of the elements affecting the total fee and extent of xenobiotic metabolism in humans are summarized in Croom (2012). Health status, food plan, medical drugs, and life fashion components are relatively unstable since they could regularly range, typically on a day-to-day foundation. Comparison research may be carried out at many ranges of biological group and sample choice may be of crucial importance. However, since many aspects of mobile perform are affected by components aside from genetic structure including age, disease, life style and exposure to clinical drugs or environmental chemical compounds care have to be taken in pattern choice.


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